In today’s times, nearly all children are glued to the computer for at least a few hours of every day. Once for all playing the math skill oriented games will definitely help to get rid off math phobia, and will prove helpful for developing better motoring skills in managing addition, subtraction, or multiplication which are the fundamentals of basic mathematics.
Group discussions and question sessions can be accomplished via forums and chat sessions, certain scientific concepts learned in lab can be learned through interactive video, and even certain grammar basics of languages can be learned through interactive voice recognition software.
When it comes to educational games for kids, focus on how the game is played and what feedback is provided to children while they’re playing,†Francyne Zeltser, Psy.D., a NY-based certified school psychologist and adjunct professor, tells Woman’s Day.
Looking at such content, one easily comes to the conclusion that parents have to spend a lot of time trying to organize and present content and educational games to their kids, so that the kids would get something meaningful out of it. This means that parents have to baby sit them on a daily basis and put in a lot of a-priori homework on their part.
Some of my favorite examples of Higher-Order math games include Motion Math ‘s games where children do conceptual activities like exploring a number line at various scales; and Dragonbox Learning , where players start by developing the concepts of algebra with balancing puzzles, and then work their way into replacing the symbols with letters and numbers until they’re solving full algebraic equations in the game.