For example, philosophers of education study what constitutes upbringing and education, the values and norms revealed through upbringing and educational practices, the limits and legitimization of education as an academic discipline, and the relation between educational theory and practice. Given the pervasively eclectic and interdisciplinary nature of the field of philosophy of education, such a spirit of tolerance and inclusiveness, while not needing to be unbounded entirely, would be a valuable corrective to the historical tendency to establish the methodsor the philosophical school that will separate proper philosophy of education from the imposters.
There are many faces of competition changing historically but the progression is traceable from more physical which dominated human relations throughout centuries toward a more intellectual exploding sharply in the recent history: The Individual Competition for economic and social status well established and distinguishable in the most developed countries and markets has been growing into a Global competition as a result of new political and economic Global situation and the intellectualization of this competition.
LAPES seeks to introduce to a wide United States audience knowledge about Latin American philosophies and theories of education by providing scholars, students and practicing teachers opportunities to study in collaborative fashion the diverse collection of philosophical and theoretical works on education produced in Latin America.
23 He advocated that adults always be truthful with children, and in particular that they never hide the fact that the basis for their authority in teaching was purely one of physical coercion: “I’m bigger than you.” Once children reached the age of reason, at about 12, they would be engaged as free individuals in the ongoing process of their own.
Since the 1980s, philosophy of education has been more diverse, with the development of socialized fields and new areas of interest that are based around subject areas such as philosophy of arts education or around specific groups such as early-childhood education, or around political orientations such as feminism, multiculturalism, cosmopolitanism, citizenship education, and indigenous and intercultural education.