All ESL teachers-regardless of training, experience, or competency-need a carefully drawn lesson plan in order to assist their students in attaining learning objectives, both on a daily basis as well as the long-term. Also, when assessing a teacher’s effectiveness, evaluating the progress of the students throughout the course is helpful; if the students are not succeeding then the teacher is not fulfilling their end of the bargain. As education in general begins with physical birth, Christian education proper begins with spiritual rebirth, when the life of God is communicated to the soul.
In order to bring the desire change in society or in the existing education set up, a very pre-planned philosophy should be behind that kind of reformation. The teacher can function as a teacher come from God†(John 3:2) only as the administration serves his needs and, through him, the needs of the student.
The book spurred a period of ferment in political philosophy that included, among other things, new research on educationally fundamental themes. The nature of the individual, what knowledge is of most worth, whether virtue can be taught, and what is the meaning of life.
Of course, a Christian school should be concerned about the professional as well as the spiritual preparation of its teachers. The debate about the comparative merits of these theories is not resolved, but from an educational perspective that may be less important than it has sometimes seemed to antagonists in the debate.
Discussing Islamic Philosophy of Education will focus on what philosophy is as a core of any theoretical and practical elements of all aspects and knowledge. This kind of teaching significantly contributes to know the human nature and to discover values and meanings of life and community (RIGOBELLO, 1979).