It wasn’t like this before! It is neither ironic nor wholly surprising that the first time the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, whose see is at Charleston, North Carolina, ventured out into the world of community service was to further the cause of Public Schools.
A public school in England and Wales traditionally refers to one of seven private schools given independence from direct jurisdiction by the Public Schools Act 1868 : Charterhouse , Eton College , Harrow School , Rugby School , Shrewsbury School , Westminster School , and Winchester College These were all-male boarding schools , but many now accept day pupils as well as boarders.
All aspects of public education are the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, which executes administration of schools, allocation of funding, certification of teachers and schools, and curriculum development with standardised textbooks across the country.
In some countries, such as Brazil and Mexico, the term “public schools” (escuelas públicas in Spanish , escolas públicas in Portuguese ) is used for educational institutions owned by the federal, state, or city governments which do not charge tuition.
My administration will encourage schools to adopt discipline policies that draw students in rather than pushing them out, including restorative justice programs, which have been shown to dramatically reduce suspension rates and the discipline gap between Black and White students.