Plenty! In the Canadian province of Quebec , French universities offer both undergraduate and graduate courses leading to the obtention of a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in physiotherapy and a Master of Science degree specialized in physiotherapy.
Katherine Merseth, the director of teacher education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, has even made the statement that of the nation’s 1,300 graduate teacher education programs, only about 100 were competently doing their job and the rest could “shut down tomorrow.” Historian Diane Ravitch called teachers’ coursework “the contentless curriculum,” and writer Elizabeth Green reports that the programs focus too much on broader teaching theories than on what she and many others consider more important-experiential training.
Some US colleges and universities have a separate academic track known as an “honours” or “scholars” program, generally offered to the top percentile of students (based on GPA ), that offers more challenging courses or more individually directed seminars or research projects in lieu of the standard core curriculum Those students are awarded the same bachelor’s degree as students completing the standard curriculum but with the notation in cursu honorum on the transcript and the diploma Usually, the above Latin honours are separate from the notation for this honours course, but a student in the honours course generally must maintain grades worthy of at least the cum laude notation anyway.
The Bachelor of Education degree (BEd) is a four-year undergraduate professional degree offered by many American colleges and universities for those preparing to be licensed as teachers Variants include the BEd, BAEd, BAT (Bachelor of Arts for Teaching), and BST degrees.
When London introduced its Faculty of Sciences in 1858, the University was granted a new charter giving it the power “to confer the several Degrees of Bachelor, Master, and Doctor, in Arts, Laws, Science, Medicine, Music”, 20 but the degrees it awarded in science were the Bachelor of Science and the Doctor of Science 21 The same two degrees, again omitting the master’s, were awarded at Edinburgh, despite the MA being the standard undergraduate degree for Arts in Scotland.