More than a decade of structured education gives us a blueprint to build a pretty good life. Because teachers make the world a better place. Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world. People learn something every day, and a lot of times it’s that what they learned the day before was wrong. Learning is what keeps the mind young.
Teaching is a continually challenging profession, and the energy to tackle each day in the classroom is often in short supply. Take time to absorb it and process what the teacher is saying. The best students come from homes where education is revered: where there are books, and children see their parents reading them.
In celebration of all the amazing things that education and learning has to offer, we’ve put together a list of the very best quotes to get you excited – and inspired – to go back to school. There are severe laws against people who expose their children and abandon them in some forest to be devoured by wild animals.
Bill Vaughan : People learn something every day, and a lot of times it’s that what they learned the day before was wrong. Nikos Kazantzakis : Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own.
If we are to educate for peace, both teachers and students need to have some notion of the transformed world we are educating for. As a teacher, you are the best guide for your students in the move towards this kind of illumination. If kids come to educators and teachers from strong, healthy, functioning families, it makes our job easier.