Educational Leadership And Administration M.S.

masters in educationTeaching is considered as a noble profession, since it is this one which helps build the foundation of education in a person’s life. The Salem School of Education is nationally accredited under the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Standards through the CAEP accreditation system The Master of Education in Educational Leadership program is approved by the West Virginia Department of Education and is nationally recognized by the Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC).

Recent Reports from the National Art Education Association (NAEA) confirmed with Governor Davis when they reported “Students in art study score higher on both their Verbal and Math SAT tests than those who are not enrolled in arts courses (California Art Study, 2003, p. 5). Attached is a copy of the test scores of students in the arts and students with no arts coursework.

Liberty University’s 100{37cb68deedc28952cf539b2883fab1aeebe007ed2a99fb6afad134f549a43498} online in Curriculum and Instruction — Student Services is a non-licensure degree focused on preparing education professionals for roles in career counseling, individual and group counseling, leadership, and teacher support.

Jobs for education, training, and development managers are expected to grow by 10{37cb68deedc28952cf539b2883fab1aeebe007ed2a99fb6afad134f549a43498} through 2026—much faster than the national average.5 Walden’s MS in Education specializations prepare you with the skills and knowledge to meet the demands of today’s education job market.

Apart from these top institutes, the other very good options are the Darmouth College in New Hampshire, University of Maryland, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (for science and technology it is the best institute), California Institute of Technology (houses NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory), North Western University, Boston University (liberal arts school), Georgia Institute of Technology, Tufts University, Washington University (more than 90 programs), John Hopkins University, Georgetown University, Lehigh University, Pennsylvania State University, University of North Carolina, New York University, University of Michigan, Rice University, University of Notre Dame, University of Texas, University of Virginia, University of Florida, and Yeshiva University.