Undertaking the endeavor to do your masters degree is a big step in your education and probably your career. There are several accredited academic institutions offering a masters degree in education in the UK. While some institutions necessarily mandate a bachelors degree in a related discipline, others may require applicants to have an undergraduate degree, along with some previous teaching experience.
The university offers two special education degrees online at the master’s level: a master of arts and master of education Both programs feature specializations in early childhood special education, education of the deaf and hard of hearing, and visual impairments.
If you do not have any specific area of study to target for, then you can also choose an online master’s teaching degree in General Education which help to sharpen your knowledge and skills required in your teaching job while pave your career path toward next level of your profession.
The collaborative Master of Arts in Education (MA) program is designed for students from selected disciplines in arts, education, health sciences, law, social sciences, and counselling and spirituality (Saint Paul University), who have an interest in women’s studies.
With the Master’s in Public Health degree under your belt, you can qualify for an extensive range of jobs, including health and medical education, program management, health policy making, promoting and advocating, research associates, and public health informatics in sectors such as government, pharmaceutics, non-profit organizations, private organizations, etc.