Graduate School Grants Are Available For Degree Programs

masters in educationEvery Doctorate degree has an eligibility criterion. Teachers need to find a way to incorporate the arts into the classroom rather than rely on outside activities and Jacobs suggests teaching “through the arts with a means of using the arts successfully and in a way that it is not just “one more thing” they must include in the curriculum” (Jacobs, 1999, p. 4).

The program is designed for individuals who already possess a teaching license and who want to teach preschool through twelfth-grade students with high-incidence disabilities (e.g., learning disabilities, mild or moderate mental retardation, communication disorders, and behavior or emotional disorders).masters in education

Our masters programs attract students from different backgrounds (teachers, administrators, engineers, managers, health professionals) and provide you with the knowledge and skills to create transformative learning opportunities in any professional setting.

A concentration in inclusion is designed to provide K-12 classroom teachers and administrators with critical theory and practical knowledge related to special education inclusion-offering educators the opportunity to study and improve upon professional practices, and in some cases, receive special education teacher certification as well.

Students in the 21st Century Teaching & Learning Stream will join a virtual community of practitioners learning about digital technologies and using them to focus on 21st Century ideas about critical pedagogy, educational leadership, authentic assessment, project-based learning, and global education.