Hawaii DOE

board of educationWhen it comes to educational school supplies we often think of the basics like calculators, textbooks and arts and crafts supplies that fill up the classroom. In cases in which there is a small applicant pool, identifying minimum academic requirements (such as minimum scores on standardized pre-entrance examinations) may be necessary to ensure that students admitted have a reasonable chance of success in the program and on the NCLEX examination.

In the case of Cumming v. Richmond (Ga.) County Board of Education (1899), for instance, the Court refused to issue an injunction preventing a school board from spending tax money on a white high school when the same school board voted to close down a black high school for financial reasons.board of education

There are many more out there just like me. But, what I worry about is that because teachers are so dedicated and pulling off daily miracles in the classroom, districts, community leaders, and politician may be pushing too hard for the full-inclusion model thinking that the teachers will just have to figure it out.

I’ve fought to make schools more equitable; improve the conditions of school buildings; raise teacher pay to top in NC; connect students to careers; provide a more rigorous, relevant curriculum; and collaborate with county and city to better serve our children.

However, the tax levy is approved by a separate entity, the Board of School Estimate, which is comprised of three members of the Village Trustees of South Orange, three members of the Township Committee of Maplewood and two members of the Board of Education.