Educational board games are a worthwhile investment, both in time and money. Each kit contains an Arduino Uno Rev 3 board, a collection of sensors and actuators, and — most important — a guide book which will help students and teachers to take their first steps into the world of electronics, with interactive and sensing objects.
Additionally, you can play the game in a variety of different ways: you could play a “normal” game with the teacher as caller, you could have the teacher call out “clues” instead of the items on the cards, you could ask students to explain the items as they check them off from their bingo cards, or you could even have class discussions during the game after each item is called.
Professor Skinner, however, in his famous article ‘Science of Learning and art of Teaching’ published in 1945 pleaded for the application of the knowledge derived from behavioral psychology to classroom procedures and suggested automated teaching devices as means of doing so.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Keirsey Temperament Sorter , based on the works of Jung , 65 focus on understanding how people’s personality affects the way they interact personally, and how this affects the way individuals respond to each other within the learning environment.
To understand the characteristics of learners in childhood , adolescence , adulthood , and old age , educational psychology develops and applies theories of human development 47 Often represented as stages through which people pass as they mature, developmental theories describe changes in mental abilities ( cognition ), social roles, moral reasoning, and beliefs about the nature of knowledge.