As a nursing supervisor, you are all too familiar with the basic (and often mandatory) inservice information presented to nursing assistants. Once a year, AIHA invites members to apply for a position on the Continuing Education Committee (CEC). Subscribe now , and access clinical education and patient education-anytime, anywhere-with video instruction from recognized industry experts. Save 15{37cb68deedc28952cf539b2883fab1aeebe007ed2a99fb6afad134f549a43498} on all winter Continuing Education classes with code PGFY20.
We are an IRS Approved Continuing Education Provider. Perhaps one of the most innovative changes in continuing education for counselors is that of allowing credit for online courses. Even if barely a Small amount are essential, these nursing continuing education seminars can still be remarkable ideas for individuals wishing to get ahead in their area.
Currently, 30 of the 50 states mandate ongoing education to maintain competency for licensed engineers. Online courses can take anywhere from several hours to several months to complete, and can range in complexity from simple updates of standard nursing techniques to more complicated and in-depth information on specialized fields of medical care.
Traditional classroom courses may also be applied toward the State’s CE requirements. Join a community of life-long learners with Douglas College Continuing Education. All Pacific CPE courses are presented in self study format with PDF course materials and online exams.
In reality, continuing to gain new certifications and training experiences is mandatory if you want to stay competitive in today’s job market. Attendees are required to register and be present throughout the seminar to receive a Completion Certificate with Professional Development Hours.