This page provides you with information on curriculum, rules, and news. The SAMOA Pathway’s Article 82 calls to recognize the strong capacity of small island developing states in sport and the use of sport as a vehicle to foster development, social inclusion and peace, strengthen education, promote health and build life skills.
While there is considerable research demonstrating links between the use of autonomy-supportive intervention techniques and student autonomous motivation and adaptive outcomes in class, comparatively less research has focused on the role that autonomy support in educational settings has on students’ behaviour outside the class (e.g., participation in sport and physical activities during leisure time).
For the purposes of the current study, we will compute total time spent in light, moderate, or vigorous physical activity and total energy expenditure in out-of-school contexts as criterion measure to test the concurrent validity of the IPAQ measure in each participant.
Although the curriculum may contribute to a range of goals that sit beyond its educative purposes, the priority for the Health and Physical Education curriculum is to provide ongoing, developmentally appropriate and explicit learning about health and movement.
Providing the Yoga instruction costs, on average, $70 per class, but the cost to the school varies depending on students’ ability to pay. Therefore, it becomes the responsibility of schools to address this issue, and inform and educate students about it as much as possible.