Master’s Degrees

degreeWhy anybody would want to get a bachelor degree in math is a mystery. In Australia, a “bachelor degree” 47 is normally a three to four-year program, leading to a qualification at level 7 of the Australian Qualifications Framework 48 Entry to a number of professions, such as law practice and teaching, require a bachelor’s degree (a ‘professional’ degree).

You may not be famous, but no Academic Organization can reject the individual achievements of thousands of main street citizens, who have excelled in their profession, but have never had the time or money to study for a degree, to match their

There are several levels of degrees which are awarded according to a credit-based system devised by the SAQA (South African Qualifications Agency: ?e=NQF ). Each level of degree has a different level of NQF rating, for example, an undergraduate (3-year) degree in Science is rated as an NQF level 6, and an additional year in that specific discipline will warrant the awarding of an NQF level 8 (or honours degree).

Percentages are based on surveys of our 2013-2015 academic year alternate fuel-automotive and alternate fuel-diesel diploma graduates who reported they are employed or are continuing their education within 6 months of graduation from the University of Northwestern Ohio.

The Bachelor of Liberal Arts , Bachelor of General Studies , Bachelor of Liberal Studies , Bachelor of Science in general studies, or Bachelor of Applied Studies (BLA, BGS, BLS, BScGS, BAS) degree is sometimes awarded to students who major in the liberal arts , in general, or in interdisciplinary studies.