In general, teachers with master’s degrees earn more. You have many choices to choose a master’s teaching degree with specialization that meet your requirement, but you need to give special attentions to the reputation and accreditation of the school you choose to pursue your master’s teaching degree because it will affect the value and the legitimate of your degree.
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Answer: While both types of degrees can lead to an initial teaching license and both are often offered as online teaching degrees, the master’s in teaching tends to focus on the method and practice of teaching (pedagogy), while the master’s in education tends to focus more on theory, research, and administration.
What we can call professional guidance and counseling in Tanzania schools begin in the year 1984 following the National October 1984 Arusha Conference, where guidance and counseling services were endorsed by the government as and integral part of the country’s education system (Biswalo, 1996).
Students will develop knowledge of how to understand the different roles, types and purposes of educational research; how to define the scope of a research project and find existing literature based on that scope; how to evaluate and synthesise research evidence; and how to write a research report report that takes into account particular audiences (such as researchers working within a specialist field, research generalists, or practitioners).