Master’s In Reading Education Online

Our programs offer personalized learning, small class sizes, great access to professors, and career-focused outcomes. Cohort programs generally require students to begin the program at specific times. Learn teaching best practices that you can implement immediately and see the impact your education has on your students. Although most students complete the program entirely online, students who live near UST’s Houston campus can take some courses on campus.

Special Education: MAT degree programs that focus on special education take an enhanced look at teaching students with disabilities. The U’s online master of arts in teaching fine arts degree includes 30 credits of coursework, and participants can complete the program in two years.

Master of Education degrees from GCU can help you to advance your teaching career if you want to make a success career in elementary education. The program explores relevant challenges affecting today’s schools, focusing on the well-being of the whole child through support of their social, emotional and academic needs.

Advanced degree programs: There are a number of ways to advance beyond your master’s degree. Special Education: This program prepares you to work with students with disabilities. Although students can take courses asynchronously, CIU provides a suggested program of study for both program tracks.

Students consider functional processes that facilitate learning in various subjects. This graduate-level secondary science teaching program includes the following areas of coursework: foundations of teaching, science education, pedagogy, field experience, research, and a teacher performance assessment.masters in education