For the insurance professional in Florida, education is an on-going requirement. However, many continuing education programs make heavy use of distance education , which not only includes independent study, but can also include videotaped material, broadcast programming or online education which has more recently dominated the distance learning community.
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Many older workers, wanting to begin a second career feel that they need proper credentials to qualify for the type of job they want to do. Most workers in their middle age feel that ongoing and continuing education enhances their opportunities and provides insurance against becoming obsolete.
There are some states that require certified nursing assistants and home health aides to obtain continuing education units and there are some states that do not but the employers in those states do require it. The bottom line is you must research your states requirement for maintaining your certification as well as question your employer as to what their expectations from you are.
Within the domain of continuing education, professional continuing education is a specific learning activity generally characterized by the issuance of a certificate or continuing education units (CEU) for the purpose of documenting attendance at a designated seminar or course of instruction.