School Superintendent Jobs

board of educationAre you a parent or advocate who helps children with autism or another disability, receive special education services? The ruling constitutionally sanctioned laws barring African Americans from sharing the same buses, schools and other public facilities as whites—known as Jim Crow” laws —and established the separate but equal” doctrine that would stand for the next six decades.board of education

The Board of Education is responsible for establishing educational goals and standards; approving curriculum; setting the district budget, which is independent of the city’s budget; confirming appointment of all personnel; and approving purchases of equipment, supplies, services, leases, renovation, construction, and union contracts.

We must do so by looking at facilities in the neighborhoods to ensure that they are brought up to standards with a focus on matching magnets program throughout the district, higher level course offering, and a wide array of CTE courses in all schools.

Even though the trial court agreed that educational segregation had a negative effect on African-American children, it applied the standard of Plessy in finding that the white and African-American schools offered sufficiently equal quality of teachers, curricula, facilities, and transportation.

In addition to setting policy, the Board hires the superintendent; approves staff hirings, transfers, resignations, terminations, and leaves of absence; approves expenditures; approves educational programs (curriculum); and otherwise ensures that the facilities and equipment are available to support learning and teaching in the District.