Collaboration means working with an individual or a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. Mark Allan Schultz, most recently a deputy commissioner at the Nebraska Department of Education, will lead the Rehabilitation Services Administration ( RSA ) within the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services ( OSERS ). RSA assists states and other agencies in their work to provide vocational rehabilitation and other services to individuals with disabilities to maximize their employment, independence and integration into the community and the competitive labor market.
Context for Development and Learning: Students consider the context for development and learning including characteristics of the individual with special needs; issues such as social context, cultural perspectives, poverty, and mental and social health; and implications of research.
As Fredrick Douglas said, “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” Regardless of how the financial educational pie is sliced, the bottom line is that the pie is just too small and our special education teachers and our special education students shouldn’t be made to pay for this.
Each series volume includes diverse chapters by contributing authors who discuss basic theoretical positions and empirical findings in their professional disciplines which provide the rudimentary foundations for educational, clinical and research applications to children and adults with exceptionalities.
In addition, it is also responsible for producing the graduates who are able to carry out academic and professional responsibilities inside and outside schools, inside and outside the National Education Department, and in state or private education institutions.