There are a number of ways to obtain a high school diploma, either through online programs, or attending schools or colleges. The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits states from segregating public school students on the basis of race. In the Delaware case, the Supreme Court of Delaware adhered to that doctrine, but ordered that the plaintiffs be admitted to the white schools because of their superiority to the Negro schools.
The Ministry of National Education was established in 1959 to begin the task of training a native teaching corps to replace foreign teachers, build new schools and implement governmental education reforms. In 1951, each of the families attempted to enroll the children in the school closest to them, which were schools designated for whites.
This Court vacated the District Court’s judgment and remanded the case for the purpose of obtaining the court’s views on a report filed by the defendants concerning the progress made in the equalization program. Each child was refused admission and directed to the African-American schools, which were much further from where they lived.
In the last ten years, teacher colleges have seen a rising number of student applicants for both undergraduate and graduate education degrees in New York City alone. Free diploma equivalency classes are offered for those applying for free high school diplomas that prepare the students to compete the five-part exam.
Having enumerated the classical work of Kozol in diagnosing the blatant, ugly passionate inequities in our public urban schools that plagues America today, I need to point out the one-sided, opinionated view of the issue. It’s also good option as an extra activity for after school programs.