Sample Philosophy Statements

Philosophy of educationIn an ideal world, I really believe that the majority of people who are involved in education, whether they’re a teacher, administrator, coach, counselor, are anything else, would have a genuine care for kids. During the socialization process of teaching children how to exist in a particular culture, the system of education serves to provide the psychological structures for social homogenization by imparting the “wisdom of the ages,” knowledge handed down from previous generations and that is deemed that everyone should know.

John Ruskin, a Nineteenth Century English social critic, said, “Education does not mean teaching people to know what …

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Sample Philosophy Statements

Philosophy of educationThis fifteen-part video course covers philosophical issues that bear directly upon education. Lifetime: A Lifetime certificate will be issued after 10 years at the Professional level, submission of renewal requirements, and verification of 10 years working in a Christian school setting. It formulates the aims and objectives or contents of education that, in turn, influence the whole learning environment, society, and future generations.

Remember that education is about the students and also remember to focus on your discipline. Among the didactic methods in philosophy are the Socratic method and Hermeneutics The pedagogic side of philosophy teaching is also of note …

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