Do you wonder about the most common mistakes that parents make in advocating for their child, receiving special education services? The IDEA 2004 is a revision or reauthorization of IDEA 1997, which preserves the civil rights guarantees of IDEA 1997, but makes substantial changes regarding how schools determine whether a child has learning disability and needs special education services.
Indeed being a SPED teacher is a good Samaritan act, but not everyone can be a teacher specialized on this type of education since it requires some standardized education in order to become a SPED teacher – Technically you can’t but you still can help through simple ways.
Usually, classes with disabled pupils group a maximum of 20 pupils, provided that the reduced class size is necessary to assure education to these pupils; moreover, the inclusion process must be supported by a project which defines strategies and methods adopted by class teachers together with the support teacher and the school staff.
28 School integration was supported as early as the 1970s, and teacher preparation programs in higher education have carefully taught and instructed graduates on inclusion at the classroom, individual, school, and district levels for decades resulting in dual certification of “regular teachers”.
The IDEA, the federal law which govern special education and especially the IEP process, is supposed to be accessible to parents but the reality is it is a complex set of laws which is impacted by too many laws, cases, rules and guidance opinions for the lay person to understand.