Few conscientious parents love seeing their children spending hours in front of the computer screen crashing cars or rubbing out bad guys. This version of Fluxx has all the educational benefits of the original Fluxx, and adds constant mental math practice using the four basic operations. It is an exemplary ‘learn as you play’ educational game. And because more and more households are transforming into two-income families, it is likely that the demand will grow further as parents seek products that would try to fill their absence during their children’s formative learning years.
Players will learn just that as they build their own empires in this classic game. We believe that the future depends on children and from Akros we feel responsible for bringing play and learning to all of them. Our library of educational apps help children learn while they play cool games on their mobile devices.
You can play the games online using the ‘arcade’ features, and there are even Web books for kids that you can download to give your child a fun summer reading list. Games have been a staple in our home(school) ever since my oldest received Candy Land at age three.
Pyramid Arcade is a library of 22 games, with a wide variety of age levels, difficulty levels, and types of play (such as king of the hill,†press your luck,†perfect information,†and manual dexterity†games). Word Beach is a spelling game that challenges players to find a set of words from the letters that make up a longer word.
ABCya is perfect for teachers who are looking for a way for students to practice skills they have learned in the classroom. Children will have fun discovering the ancient world and exploring through games and adventures. Some games help a child learn to match objects or develop early phonics skills.