The Impact Of State Physical Education Requirements On Youth Physical Activity And Overweight

physical educationIn our goal to rid our campuses of bullying, an area that is often overlooked is PE classes. The SNEP is committed to a definition of physical education that is a practical study of physical, sport and artistic activities. You take theory in learning HOW to teach and assess PE, sociology of PE, sport and exercise psychology, physiology, anatomy, PE for young people with disabilities, youth sport and philosophy.

High school curriculum should focus on lifetime sports skills like tennis or aerobic dance, with a secondary emphasis on team sports. Sports are also other examples of expanded horizons for a Physical Education teacher. The College of Education is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation to offer teacher education programs which are approved by the Illinois State Board of Education.

Each of these sports is something that even the youngest child can participate in and both require some level of physical exertion. Physical Education is mostly taught outside or in a gymnasium, which means a teacher needs to have the correct voice for this environment.

In order to work in a public school as a physical education teacher, you must be licensed. Pihu M, Hein V, Koka A, Hagger MS. How students’ perceptions of teacher’s autonomy-supportive behaviours affect physical activity behaviour: An application of trans-contextual model.

We recommend a minor or endorsement in a second teaching area; many Physical Education majors complete a minor in Health Education. Effects of the intervention will be evaluated through changes in subsequent follow-up measures of participating students’ physical activity levels and trans-contextual model variables relative to pre-trial baseline measures.physical education