According to a recent report in Global Financial Monitor, employers are currently facing a talent shortage of finance and accounting professionals. 22 In 1862, a Royal Commission suggested that Durham should award master’s degrees in theology and science (with the suggested abbreviations MT and MS, contrary to later British practice of using MTh or MTheol and MSc for these degrees), 23 but its recommendations were not enacted.
24 In 1879 a statute to actually establish the faculty of Natural Sciences at Oxford was promulgated, 25 but in 1880 a proposal to rename the degree as a Master of Science was rejected along with a proposal to grant Masters of Natural Sciences a Master of Arts degree, in order to make them full members of the University.
Especially with the clamping down on financial legislation, professional management reports and annual financial statements need to be submitted in order to stay in business, so in house accountants are always on board, if not the people with accounting degrees are outsourced.
In particular, the engineering profession may be complicated for the foreigner since there are two types of engineers: those who got an Academic Degree such as Civil Engineers or Armed Forced Politechnical Engineers and those who are “Ingenieros en Ejecución” (Professional Engineers) which are considered terrain Engineer more focused to apply the engineering in the field and completed only four years of study.
56 Stanford University ‘s Bachelor of Arts and Science degree is for students who are receiving one degree but who have completed two arts and sciences majors, one of which would ordinarily lead to the BA and one of which would ordinarily lead to the BSc.