Why ‘Worthless’ Humanities Degrees May Set You Up For Life

degreeWhen you are working on bettering yourself, one of the best things that you can do is get a college education. Since 1999, the traditional degrees have been replaced by bachelor’s (Bachelor) and master’s (Master) degrees as part of the Bologna process The main reasons for this change are to make degrees internationally comparable and to introduce degrees to the German system which take less time to complete (German students typically took five years or more to earn a Magister or Diplom).

It also perpetuates the stereotype of liberal arts graduates, in particular, as an elite caste – something that can discourage underprivileged students, and anyone else who needs an immediate return on their university investment, from pursuing potentially rewarding disciplines.

Postgraduate degrees in arts and humanities subjects are usually designated Master of Letters () or, in natural and social sciences, Master of Science (). Non-doctoral postgraduate research degrees are usually designated Master of Philosophy () or Master of Research (). The postgraduate teaching qualification is the postgraduate diploma in Education (PGDE).

According to Guidelines for the recognition of Russian qualifications in the other countries 88 In countries with a two-tier system of doctoral degrees, the degree of Doktor Nauk should be considered for recognition at the level of the second doctoral degree.

In the Philippines, where the term “course” is commonly used to refer to a bachelor’s degree major, course of study or program, several undergraduate categories exist—the two most common degrees awarded being Bachelor of Science (BSc) and Bachelor of Arts (BA or AB).degree