The STEM center at Cass Street School is less than two months old, but teachers are already seeing students digging into science concepts in new ways. However many tuition assistance programs exist to help families cover the associated expenses, and the high quality education the children received is truly priceless. Indeed, many parents relocate their families solely based on the desire to improve the education their children receive.
When a child is in elementary school, reading to and with him is expected, but as the child goes into middle school, parents often assume this is no longer needed. When it comes to prayer in public schools, there is nothing Christians can do politically, without offending the very people we’re trying to reach for Christ.
So, even if your child’s teachers don’t require him to do it, you need to make sure he memorizes his tables. Hamilton Southeastern Schools, as a forward-thinking school district, provides educational opportunities to ensure the success of each and every student, to become a responsible citizen and to positively influence an ever-changing world community.
I will increase funding for Grow Your Own Teacher programs that provide opportunities for paraeducators or substitute teachers to become licensed teachers. To study history, for example, requires that children first learn the names of oceans, continents, rivers, mountains, and countries.
For over 40 years they have been trying to “fix” the public schools. Consider this factoid, as well: 64{37cb68deedc28952cf539b2883fab1aeebe007ed2a99fb6afad134f549a43498} of admitted Harvard students went to public school. The children of affluent families also tend not to be “upwardly-mobile” and the schools in affluent areas are prone to taking on a cultural sense of entitlement.