Brian Hendley is Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy, University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1,Canada. This entry has taken a different approach, first, by resisting the temptation to provide a single definition or characterization of the field; and, second, by stressing not schools of thought or methodological divisions as the categories for thinking about the field, but rather the underlying inclinations, or impulses, that animate philosophical inquiry.
The Ph.D. requirements include the following: Foundations of Education and Core Courses in the Philosophy of Education (15 points); Graduate Work in the Department of Philosophy of the Graduate School of Arts and Science (16 points); Specialty Courses in Philosophy of Education (18 points); History of Education (9 points); Research Dissertation, and Proposal Seminars (18 points); Electives (12 points).
Philosophy education is traditionally available in most of Asia since the continent gave birth to the schools of Eastern philosophy The 20th and early 21st century saw the increased interest in the field (especially in Western philosophy ) in the Asian continent, with India , China and especially South Korea and Japan 5 as major contemporary academic and research hubs.
You will evaluate and assess individual programs and policies related to critical issues like access to education, teacher effectiveness, school finance, testing and accountability systems, school choice, financial aid, college enrollment and persistence, and more.
There are great possibilities in a Global scale for establishing a heavy regulated but at the same time free market place where more individuals from elsewhere will be able to compete in very increasing intellectual competition; this process could be accelerated by increasing the security of doing business and investing capital which will increase the LTV and MTV of the assets and even further to enhance some currently considered liabilities or with very limited LTV and MTV.